PKS fulfills the role of the remedial contractor and provides the following services in response to Corrective Action Plans:
- Construction Dewatering and Treatment
- Bioremediation, in-situ and/or ex-situ
- Land Farming
- Bioventing with Air Sparging VES
- Contaminated Water Treatment
- Contaminated Soil Excavation, Treatment, Recycling and Disposal
- Treatability Studies
- Risk-Based Remedial Implementation
PKS offers the following Demolition and Renovation Support Services:
- Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) and Lead-Based Paint (LBP)
- Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) inspections, testing, and reports
- Preparation of Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Plans
- Preparation of ACM Abatement Plans
- Third Party Monitoring
- Facility Hazard Assessment and Reporting
- Compliance Inspections
- Inventory Reports
- Inventory Characterization, Sampling & Testing
- Materials Segregation
- Inventory Management & Disposition